Marvin User Guide

By: yuheem

Marvin is a personal task assistant.

It’s great for managing and tracking tasks using an interface that supports fast typists.

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
  2. Download the latest marvin.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder.
  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI that appears should look similar to what’s shown below.



Add a todo

Adds a todo to Marvin.

Format: todo description

Examples: todo buy milk todo wipe table

Add an event

Adds an event to Marvin.

Format: event description /at yyyy-MM-dd

Examples: event birthday party /at 2020-12-12

Add a deadline

Adds a deadline to Marvin.

Format: deadline description /by yyyy-MM-dd HHmm

Examples: deadline finish tutorial /by 2020-12-12 1400

Mark a task as done

Asks Marvin to mark a task as done.

Format: done index

Examples: done 1 done 3

delete a task

Delete a task from Marvin.

Format: delete index

Examples: delete 1 delete 3

list all tasks

List all the tasks in Marvin.

Example: list

find tasks

Find tasks in Marvin which match keywords.

Format: find keywords

Examples: find milk find table


Exits Marvin.
